Here is a simple example program before getting into the rules:
- Column 1: This column designates comments, when you insert a (C) or a (!) or any other character the rest of this line is ignored. C & ! are the ISO, other characters may be used as well. Comments are very important when writing large blocks of codes, if you write more than 100 lines of code, I bet you will forget why you wrote some instructions after about one month. SO a neatly commented code surely helps the programmer and those who help him.
- Column 2-5: This block is reserved for inserting numerical labels these labels are used to mark this line, so that you can jump back to it, via GOTO statements, or after finishing a DO loop, or even in subroutines. Some experienced programmers follow a neat sequence of multiples of 10. For example 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, ... and so on.
- Column 6: This column is reserved for inserting a character usually a (+), which is the continue notation for F77 . For example sometimes you may need to write a long line in F77 and you can't exceed column 73, so you insert a + in column 6 and continue writing your code.
- Column 7-73: This block is where you write your instruction source code and statements that are translated by the compiler.
Why such limited width ? Well, Fortran was born many years ago when the final stage of coding was always punching a card which contained binary instruction code for nu-merically controlled devices. The standard punched card had 80 columns, numbered 1 to 80 from left to right. Each column could hold one character, encoded as some combination of punches in the 12 rows of the card; more on this at Although many modern compilers can read your code beyond the 73th character, we will strictly cut our source code to appear within column 7 and 73. If your line would extend beyond the 73th character, you
have to break it and place the symbol + in column 6 of each continuation line.(Taken from Roman Gro ger's tutorial)
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